Tips for writing introduction of a research in dissertation

Tips for writing introduction of a research in dissertation


Tips on Dissertation introduction

This article tells you tips for writing introduction of a research in dissertation as to what you should include in the Introduction and what you should leave out, and what reviewers and journal editors look for in this section. The dissertation introduction is the first chapter of any thesis or dissertation, or project that appears after the section of table of contents. It’s essential to draw attention right from the start, create a flow, with a clear culmination of broader facts, thoughts, findings leading to the research phenomenon a narrowed down version.

What is the function of the Introduction section in dissertation?

Generally the dissertation introduction should answer the question ‘Why,’ factor of the research topic in a slow and gradual revealing manner. However, the researcher need also to highlight as to why you choose that topic for research. Highlighting the surrounding or indirect issues is important. So questions like – why or how the phenomenon of the research topic comes into picture needs to be written. Is it a new phenomenon or people are aware, what is being done, your abilities to links multiple causes leading to adopted a particular research topic ; and so on. You can also think of the dissertation introduction as the first section that points out to the gap in knowledge. The remaining stage of the research paper will need to fill  the section, where as a researcher you have to define and claim and build the platform within the broad area of research.

The other task, is that  dissertation introduction should do, is to throw some light on the background information and set the tone of the research context. The tone is hard to explain, of course academic language and no colloqiual jargons. The attempt like describing the research problem, you can direct the thoughts of the reader towards the unfulfilled research question. For the reader, you can also ask (in the main body of the paper the kind of challenges or phenomenon happening. While it is certain you will not offer the solution to the problem, or can show partly resolved issues through citation of empirical studies. The initial stage of the introduction requires to answer to the main research question) at some point and create a thesis statement.  If there is any solution(s), then discuss briefly, or citing any approaches that already has been tried elsewhere.

Remember that a thesis or a dissertation usually has a separate chapter titled ‘Review of literature,’ but a research paper has no such section; instead, the Introduction includes a review in brief.

The last part of the section in the chapter of introduction should specify the research objectives of the experiment or analysis. So there is a culmination of what is happening, what ought to be done, and hence leading to the obvious research aims, research objectives and research question formulation.  This concluding part of section of the introduction should include specific details or the exact question(s) to be answered later in the research. Tips for writing introduction of a research in dissertation


  1. Provide research background information and set the tone of context:

This initial part of the chapter of introduction prepares the readers for more detailed and specific information that is given later. The first couple of sentences are typically broad.

  1. Introduce the specific topic of your research and explain why it is important.

The authors are moving toward presenting the specific topic of their research. So now in the following part, you can bring in some statistics to show the importance of the topic or the seriousness of the research problem.Another way to emphasize the importance of the research topic is to highlight the possible benefits from solving the problem or from finding an answer to the question: possible savings, greater production, longer-lasting devices, and so on.

  1. Mention past attempts to solve the research problem or to answer the research question.

As mentioned earlier, a formal review of literature is out of place in the dissertation introduction section of a research; however, it is appropriate to indicate any earlier relevant research and clarify how your research differs from those attempts. The differences can be simple: you may have repeated the same set of experiments but with a different organism, or elaborated (involving perhaps more sophisticated or advanced analytical instruments) the study with a much larger and diverse sample, or a widely different geographical setting.

  1. Conclude the Introduction by mentioning the specific objectives of your research.

The earlier paragraphs should lead logically to specific objectives of your study. Note that this part of the Introduction gives specific details.

Tips for writing introduction of a research in dissertation above serves any student at Bachelors dissertation or Bachelor degree end term project, internship project, work based project as well for Masters or Graduate studies too. While the above tips hold true for thesis as well, but it requires to justify in expanded form. Tips for writing introduction of a research in dissertation.

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