
How to Write a Good Concluding Paragraph in research

How to Write a Good Concluding Paragraph in research

Like a good story, a good research output should not stop in the middle. How to Write a Good Concluding Paragraph in research. It should have a satisfying conclusion, one that gives the reader a sense of completion on the subject. Don’t allow your essay to drop off or fade out at the end—instead, use the concluding paragraph to emphasize the validity and importance of your thinking. Remember that  the concluding paragraph is your last chance to convince the reader. (As one cynical but realistic student pointed out, the conclusion may be the last part of your essay the
teacher reads before putting a grade on your paper.) Therefore, make your conclusion count.

Ideas for writing your dissertation conclusions:

1. A summary of the thesis and the essay’s major points (most useful in long essays) -The destruction of the rain forests must be stopped. Although developers protest that they are bringing much-needed financial aid into these traditionally poverty-stricken areas, no amount of money can compensate for what is being lost. Without the rain forests, we are not only contributing to the global warming of the entire planet, we are losing indigenous trees and plants that might someday provide new medicines or vaccines for diseases. Moreover, the replacement of indigenous peoples with corporation-run ranches robs the world of cultural diversity. For the sake of the planet’s well-being, Project Rainforest should be
2. An evaluation of the importance of the essay’s subject -These amazing, controversial photographs of the comet will continue to be the subject of debate because, according to some scientists, they yield the most important clues yet revealed about the origins of our universe.
3. A statement of the essay’s broader implications- Because these studies of feline leukemia may someday play a crucial role in the discovery of a cure for AIDS in human beings, the experiments, as expensive as they are, must continue.
4. A recommendation or call to action -The specific details surrounding the death of World War II hero Raoul Wallenberg are still unknown. Although Russia has recently admitted—after fifty years of denial—that Wallenberg was murdered by the KGB in 1947, such a confession is not enough. We must write our congressional representatives today urging their support for the new Swedish commission investigating the circumstances of
his death. No hero deserves less.
5. A warning based on the essay’s thesis- Understanding the politics that led to the destruction of Hiroshima is essential for all Americans—indeed, for all the world’s peoples. Without such knowledge, the frightful possibility exists that somewhere, sometime, someone might drop
the bomb again.

A quotation from an authority or someone whose insight emphasizes the main point Even though I didn’t win the fiction contest, I learned so much about my own powers of creativity. I’m proud that I pushed myself in new directions. I know now I will always agree with Herman Melville, whose writing was unappreciated in his own time, that “it is better to struggle with originality than to succeed in imitation.”

7. An anecdote or brief example that emphasizes or sums up the point of the essay Bette Davis’s role on and off the screen as the catty, wisecracking woman of steel helped make her an enduring star. After all, no audience, past or present, could ever resist a dame who drags on a cigarette and then mutters about a passing starlet, “There goes a good time that was had by all.”
8. An image or description that lends finality to the essay As the last of the Big Screen’s giant ants are incinerated by the army scientist, one can almost hear the movie audiences of the 1950s breathing a collective sigh of relief, secure in the knowledge that once again the threat of nuclear
radiation had been vanquished by the efforts of the U.S. military.
(◆ For another last image that captures the essence of an essay, see the “open house” scene that concludes “To Bid the World Farewell,” page 222.)
9. A rhetorical question that makes the readers think about the essay’s main point No one wants to see hostages put in danger. But what nation can afford to let terrorists know they can get away with blackmail?
10. A forecast based on the research thesis – Soap operas will continue to be popular not only because they distract us from our daily chores but also because they present life as we want it to be: fast-paced, glamorous, and full of exciting characters.

11. An ironic twist, witticism, pun, or playful use of words (often more appropriate in lighthearted essays) After analyzing and understanding the causes of my procrastination, I now feel better, more determined to change my behavior. In fact, I’ve decided that today is the day for decisive action! I will choose a major! Hmmmm . . . or maybe not. I need to think about it some more. I’ll get back to you, okay? Tomorrow. Really.
12. Return to the technique used in your lead-in (answer a question you asked, circle back to a story, extend a quotation, etc.)
So was Dorothy right in The Wizard of Oz? After the tough summer I spent on our ranch in Wyoming, mending barbed-wire fences and wrestling angry calves, I could think of nothing else on the long bus ride back to school.


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How to Write a Good Concluding Paragraph in research.

What Is a “Working Thesis” statement ?

What Is a “Working Thesis” statement ?


The thesis statement declares the main point or controlling idea of your entire research.  A working thesis statement is Frequently located near the beginning of a short essay, the thesis answers these questions:

“What is the subject of this essay?”

“What is the writer’s opinion on this subject?”

“What is the writer’s purpose in this research topic?” (to explain something? to argue a position? to move people to action? to entertain?).

Consider a “working thesis” a statement of your main point in its trial or rough-draft form. Allow it to “work” for you as you move from prewriting through drafts and revision. Your working thesis may begin as a very simple sentence. For example, one of the freewriting exercises on nature in Chapter 1 (pages 8–9) might lead to a working thesis such as “Our college needs an on-campus recycling center.” Such a working thesis states
an opinion about the subject (the need for a center) and suggests what the essay will do (give arguments for building such a center). Similarly, the prewriting list on running (page 7) might lead to a working thesis such as “Before beginning a successful program, novice runners must learn a series of warm-up and cool-down exercises.” This statement not only tells the writer’s opinion and purpose (the value of the exercises) but also indicates an audience (novice runners).

A working thesis statement can be your most valuable organizational tool. Once you have thought about your essay’s main point and purpose, you can begin to draft your paper to accomplish your goals. Everything in your essay should support your thesis. Consequently, if you write your working thesis statement at the top of your first draft and refer to it often, your chances of drifting away from your purpose should be reduced.

It’s important for you to know at this point that there may be a difference between the working thesis that appears in your rough drafts and your final thesis. As you begin drafting, you may have one main idea in mind that surfaced from your prewriting activities. But as you write, you may discover that what you really want to write about is different. Perhaps you discover that one particular part of your essay is really what you want to
concentrate on (instead of covering three or four problems you have with your current job, for instance, you decide you want to explore in depth only the difficulties with your boss), or perhaps in the course of writing you find another approach to your subject more satisfying or persuasive (explaining how employees may avoid problems with a particular kind of difficult boss instead of describing various  kinds of difficult bosses in
your field).

Changing directions is not uncommon: writing is an act of discovery. Frequently we don’t know exactly what we think or what we want to say until we write it. A working thesis appears in your early drafts to help you focus and organize your essay; don’t feel it’s carved in stone.
A warning comes with this advice, however. If you do write yourself into another essay—that is, if you discover as you write that you are finding a better topic or main point to make—consider this piece of writing a “discovery draft,” extended prewriting that has helped you find your real focus. Occasionally, your direction changes so slightly that you can rework or expand your thesis to accommodate your new ideas. The article on ‘What is A working thesis statement ?’ explains what it is for you are a research scholar.

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How to do thematic Analysis for your research

How to do thematic Analysis for your research

Wondering about how to do thematic Analysis for your research for your PhD thesis or MBA dissertation? Thematic analysis is the process of identifying patterns or themes within qualitative data. Braun & Clarke (2006) suggest that it is the first qualitative method that should be learned as ‘ provides core skills that will be useful for conducting many other kinds of analysis’ (p.78). A further advantage, particularly from the perspective of learning and teaching, is that it is a method rather than a methodology (Braun & Clarke 2006; Clarke & Braun, 2013). This means that, unlike many qualitative methodologies, it is not tied to a particular epistemological or theoretical perspective. This makes it a very flexible method, a considerable advantage given the diversity of work in learning and teaching.
There are many different ways to approach thematic analysis (e.g. Alhojailan, 2012; Boyatzis,1998; Javadi & Zarea, 2016). However, this variety means there is also some confusion about the nature of thematic analysis, including how it is distinct from a qualitative
content analysis (Vaismoradi, Turunen & Bonda, 2013). In this example, we follow Braun & Clarke’s (2006) 6-step framework. This is arguably the most influential approach, in the social sciences at least, probably because it offers such a clear and usable framework for doing thematic analysis.
The goal of a thematic analysis is to identify themes, i.e. patterns in the data that are important or interesting, and use these themes to address the research or say something about an issue. This is much more than simply summarising the data; a good thematic analysis interprets and makes sense of it. A common pitfall is to use the main interview questions as the themes (Clarke & Braun, 2013). Typically, this reflects the fact that the data have been summarised and organised, rather than analysed.
Braun & Clarke (2006) distinguish between two levels of themes: semantic and latent. Semantic themes ‘…within the explicit or surface meanings of the data and the analyst is not looking for anything beyond what a participant has said or what has been written.’ (p.84). The analysis in this worked example identifies themes at the semantic level and is representative of much learning and teaching work. We hope you can see that analysis moves beyond describing what is said to focus on interpreting and explaining it. In contrast, the latent level looks beyond what has been said and ‘…starts to identify or examine the underlying ideas, assumptions, and conceptualisations – and ideologies – that are theorised as shaping or informing the semantic content of the data’ (p.84). Here are the steps for how to do thematic Analysis for your research!


Step 1 of Thematic analysis : Become familiar with the data.

The first step in any qualitative analysis is reading, and re-reading the transcripts. The interview extract that forms this example can be found in Appendix 1. You should be very familiar with your entire body of data or data corpus (i.e. all the interviews and any other data you may be using) before you go any further. At this stage, it is useful to make notes and jot down early impressions. Below are some early, rough notes made on the
extract: The students do seem to think that feedback is important but don’t always find it useful. There’s a sense that the whole assessment process, including feedback, can be seen as threatening and is not always understood. The students are very clear that they want very specific feedback that tells them how to improve in a personalised way. They want to be able to discuss their work on a one-to-one basis with lecturers, as this is more personal and also private. The emotional impact of feedback is important.


Step 2 of Thematic analysis : Generate initial codes.

In this phase we start to organise our data in a meaningful and systematic way. Coding reduces lots of data into small chunks of meaning. There are different ways to code and the method will be determined by your perspective and research questions. We were concerned with addressing specific research questions and analysed the data with this in mind – so this was a theoretical thematic analysis rather than an inductive one. Given this, we coded each segment of data that was relevant to or captured something interesting about our research question. We did not code every piece of text. However, if we had been doing a more inductive analysis we might have used line-by-line coding to code every single line. We used open coding; that means we did not have pre-set codes, but developed and modified the codes as we worked through the coding process. We had initial ideas about codes when we finished Step 1. For example, wanting to discuss feedback on a one-to one basis with tutors was an issue that kept coming up (in all the
interviews, not just this extract) and was very relevant to our research question. We discussed these and developed some preliminary ideas about codes. Then each of us set about coding a transcript separately. We worked through each transcript coding every segment of text that seemed to be relevant to or specifically address our research question. When we finished we compared our codes, discussed them and modified them before moving on to the rest of the transcripts. As we worked through them we generated new codes and sometimes modified. existing ones. We did this by hand initially, working through hardcopies of the transcripts with pens and highlighters. Qualitative data analytic software (e.g. ATLAS, Nvivo , MAXQDA etc.), if you have access to it, can be very useful, particularly with large data sets. Other tools can be effective also; for example, Bree & Gallagher (2016) explain how to use Microsoft Excel to code and help identify themes. While it is very useful to have two (or more) people working on the
coding it is not essential. In Appendix 2 you will find the extract with our codes in the margins.


Step 3 of Thematic analysis :  Search for themes.

As defined earlier, a theme is a pattern that captures something significant or interesting about the data and/or research question. As Braun & Clarke (2006) explain, there are no hard and fast rules about what makes a theme. A theme is characterised by its significance. If you have a very small data set (e.g. one short focus-group) there may be considerable overlap between the coding stage and this stage of identifying preliminary themes. In this case we examined the codes and some of them clearly fitted together into a theme. For example, we had several codes that related to perceptions of good practice and what students wanted from feedback. We collated these into an initial theme called The purpose of feedback.
At the end of this step the codes had been organised into broader themes that seemed to say something specific about this research question. Our themes were predominately descriptive, i.e. they described patterns in the data relevant to the research question. Table 2 shows all the preliminary themes that are identified in Extract 1, along with the codes that are associated with them. Most codes are associated with one theme although some, are associated with more than one (these are highlighted in Table 2). In this example, all of the codes fit into one or more themes but this is not always the case and you might use a ‘miscellaneous’ theme to manage these codes at this point.


Step 4 of Thematic analysis :  Review themes.

During this phase we review, modify and develop the preliminary themes that we identified in Step 3. Do they make sense? At this point it is useful to gather together all the data that is relevant to each theme. You can easily do this using the ‘cut and paste’ function in any word processing package, by taking a scissors to your transcripts or using something like Microsoft Excel (see Bree & Gallagher, 2016). Again, access to qualitative data analysis software can make this process much quicker and easier, but it is not essential. Appendix 3 shows how the data associated with each theme was identified in our worked example. The data associated with each theme is colour-coded. We read the data associated with each theme and considered whether the data really did support it. The next step is to think about whether the themes work in the context of the entire data set. In this example, the data set is one extract but usually you will have more than this and will have to consider how the themes work both within a single interview and across all the interviews.
Themes should be coherent and they should be distinct from each other. Things to think about include:
• Do the themes make sense?
• Does the data support the themes?
• Am I trying to fit too much into a theme?
• If themes overlap, are they really separate themes?
• Are there themes within themes (subthemes)?
• Are there other themes within the data?
For example, we felt that the preliminary theme, Purpose of Feedback ,did not really work as a theme in this example. There is not much data to support it and it overlaps with Reasons for using feedback(or not) considerably. Some of the codes included here (‘Unable to judge whether question has been answered/interpreted properly’) seem to relate to a separate issue of student understanding of academic expectations and assessment criteria. We felt that the Lecturers theme did not really work. This related to perceptions of lecturers band interactions with them and we felt that it captured an aspect of the academic environment. We created a new theme Academic Environment that had two subthemes: Understanding..


Step 5 of Thematic analysis : Define themes.

This is the final refinement of the themes and the aim is to ‘..identify the ‘essence’ of what each theme is about.’.(Braun & Clarke, 2006, p.92). What is the theme saying? If there are subthemes, how do they interact and relate to the main theme? How do the themes relate to each other? In this analysis, What students want from feedback is an overarching theme that is rooted in the other themes. Figure 1 is a final thematic map that illustrates the relationships between themes and we have included the narrative for What students want from feedback below.


Step 6 of Thematic analysis: Writing-up.

Usually the end-point of research is some kind of report, often a journal article or dissertation. Table 4 includes a range of examples of articles, broadly in the area of learning and teaching, that we feel do a good job of reporting a thematic analysis.


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Hiring a Research Assistant for PhD thesis writing

Hiring a Research Assistant for PhD thesis writing


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Theories of consumer behaviour in internet based marketing


Theories of consumer behaviour in internet based marketing

Theories of consumer behaviour in internet based marketing is essential for business management research proposals or MBA dissertation writing. Behaviour challenges that affect consumers engaging on internet media such as e-shopping,  tries to give recommendations that can be applied so that the business firm can increase its productivity using internet marketing. Therefore, these are some key theories to apply in your dissertation in marketing. Theories of consumer behaviour in internet based marketing is essential for business management dissertation writing as business environment, technology is shaping our lives. B2B thesis on marketing, B2C thesis on marketing, C2C customer to customer thesis on marketing are now becoming popular amongst MBA students.


Theoretical Approaches in achieving goals met through media

There are two approaches that can be used to study how goals are attained through internet media. This includes online users and gratification and the media system dependent theory. Users and Gratifications focuses on the consumer control with regard to accessing the media in this case the internet content basing on their goals and/or needs while media system dependent theory (MSD) defines individual relationship with the internet media basing on the intensity of the relationships that exists between the consumer and the internet. Under this section we will focus on Internet Dependency Relations (IDR) which is an emergent factor that promotes online activities. It allows correlation between the consumer and the net while realizing there is a diverse culture and different views on which factors that affect net users; it is one form of MSD.

Goal Dimensions of Media dependent Relationship

Internet Dependency Relations (IDR)’s intensity will indeed affect internet user’s who are shopping online, reading news, and their chatting experience. This activities have enjoyed a wide popularity among users hence are chosen to be studied; they also match easily with MSD goal dimensions. The MSD goal dimensions include orientation shopping, understanding the news read and playing while chatting. There exist a linkage between intensity of particular goal dimensions and their respective online activities, the action orientation and e-shopping, social understanding and reading of online news and self play with online chatting.

Internet Media System Dependency Theory

In IMSD Internet Media System Dependency Theory a media dependency relationship is process where there is satisfaction of consumer needs and the attainment of media goals by the individuals is dependent on the resources of the other party (Pastore, 1999). An Individual has to depend on media information resources so that they can attain their various goals. When we talk of information resources we mean media products, commercial and advertisement information. The perceived assistance by the media to achieve business goals is determined by the strength of media dependency relations. A wide range of individual goals, understanding the social and self, orientation which means interaction and action, and play (social/solitary) benefits which may be attained through media resources as Noack (2003) stated. To understand goals, involve dealing with people’s needs and understanding the world around themselves. Orientation focuses on the demand of behaving right when interacting with others as well as a person’s behavioural and decision making and play goals is interested with the demands for escapism as well as entertainment (Noack, 2003). The good thing with these goal dimensions is that though they are exhaustive they behave in a mutual exclusion which means more than one goal can easily be activated using the same medium. With intensity and the scope of the goals their determination is based on how the media resources are exclusive in achieving these goals, they also differ depending various individual or differ with the same person after some time (Pastore, 1999).

Theories of consumer behaviour in internet based marketing is essential for business management. 



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Get Qualitative Dissertation Services in Scotland



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Qualitative dissertation writing in Scotland


Let us first understand why and how a Qualitative dissertation writing in Scotland happens? is it just nVIVO analysis for Qualitative Research Dissertation Services in Scotland? or how do we work on establishing research phenomenon for Qualitative dissertation writing in Scotland, nVIVO analysis in the qualitative cases? According to the Dissertationshelp4u Editing Services Scotland, the researcher needs to explore the dimensions of research topic to frame qualitative questions in the MBA dissertations in Scotland. The aspect of research trustworthiness that should be established first between the dissertation writer, and the Professor in Scottish University establishing the same frequency of communication in the context of dissertation writing. This requires the researcher to clearly the research topic, literature review writing services in Scotland, and most importantly link the research findings with research objectives. It is the key step where the readers can relate to the truth in qualitative data collection service in Scotland, qualitative questionnaire service, secondary dissertation writing service in Scotland. The entire scope and effect of writing dissertation research that is carried out, thus depends on how credible the dissertations writer in understanding the Scottish dissertation topic,  are or your data collection methods are. Here, we turn our attention to two of the best possible techniques that establish credibility in qualitative research.


Dissertation triangulation Technique:


Most of the dissertation writing services agree that dissertation triangulation technique, that uses a methodical approach to synthesize the outcomes of the research data sources in order to observe the application of framework, models and theories of literature review, to gain understanding of the research phenomenon being studied. The method of research in dissertation establishes the outcomes of the data analysis chapter, to be tested against the hypothesis of the research. This technique in last chapter of dissertation writing, helps to firm up the robustness of the research findings. The technique employed in triangulation of sources explores utilization of different data sources within the same method. In the Analyst Triangulation technique, a different analyst is used to review the research findings as it can also make use of multiple observers and analysts to draw conclusions. Our writers in Dissertationshelp4u writing services Scotland, concluded that this triangulation in Scottish dissertation writing procedure, is quite helpful in solving the blind spots in the qualitative interview analysis followed in Scottish dissertations.


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This is a technique that reaches out to the participants in qualitative research in MBA Scotland, with a view to interpret findings better and establish credibility. Top Scotland dissertation writing services in Scotland, indicate that this is a more open technique in which data collected for MBA thesis in Scotland, interpretations, inferences and conclusions are shared with the Scottish participants of the qualitative research in Scotland MBA research topic. This paves the way for clearer communication and helps to understand what the actual ideas and intentions of the respondents in interview for Scotland MBA dissertation were; allowing to rectify the errors in MBA PhD thesis of Scotland, and obtaining additional information for better understanding of research findings of MBA thesis. Enter the best qualitative research dissertation services in Scotland.

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How to write definitions in literature review

How to write definitions in literature review


In academic writing especially in thesis and dissertations, the use of the definitions is normally needed in two cases:

  1. a) In introductions, or in the literature review, in order to clarify a word or phrase in the research title.
  2. b) More generally, to explain a word or phrase in research, that may be either very

technical (and so not in normal dictionaries), or very recent, or with no widely agreed meaning.


A formal definition, is based upon a concise, logical pattern that includes as much information as it can within a minimum amount of space. The primary reason to include definitions in your academic research writing is to avoid misunderstanding with your audience.

Formal definition consists of three parts:


  • The term (word or phrase) to be defined
  • The class of object or concept to which the term belongs
  • The differentiating characteristics that distinguish it from all others of its class

When writing introductions, it is often helpful to define a term in the title, even when it may be in common use, to demonstrate that you have thought about it and that you have a clear idea what it means in your research, the different connotations.



  • When your writing contains a term that may be key to audience understanding and that term could likely be unfamiliar to them.
  • When a commonly used word or phrase has layers of subjectivity or evaluation in the way you choose to define it.
  • When the etymology (origin and history) of a common word might prove interesting or will help expand upon a point.




Avoid defining with “X is when” and “X is where” statements. These introductory adverb phrases should be avoided. Define a noun with a noun, a verb with a verb, and so forth.

Do not define a word by mere repetition or merely restating the word.

Define a word in simple and familiar terms. Your definition of an unfamiliar word should not lead your audience towards looking up more words in order to understand your definition.

Keep the class portion of your definition small but adequate. It should be large enough to include all members of the term you are defining but no larger. Avoid adding personal details to definitions. Although you may think the plot about your research topic in dissertation, will perfectly encapsulate the concept of stinginess, your audience may fail to relate. Offering personal definitions may only increase the likeliness of misinterpretation that you are trying to avoid. How to write definitions in literature review for thesis is now explained but if you not sure about your literature review, call us to help you. If you are doing your MBA thesis and require help…






The article HOW TO FIND A GOOD RESEARCH TOPIC: Part II should be enough to clear your doubts about choosing a research topic for thesis and now it is up to you to read through and find gaps to come up with the research topic. has come up with the attributes of a good research topic that can be used as a check list by all university students.

Research capability: The feasibility factor of good research topic to achieve the outcomes of a research


  • ·       Is the research topic for your dissertation fascinates you as a researcher?
  • ·       Do you have the time in hand, learn necessary research skills to go ahead with the grey areas of dissertation topic?
  • ·       Is the research topic and its variables are understandable, and seems fine to frame out research aim, research objectives and research questions?
  • ·       Will the research issue will be hot when you finish your dissertation topic?
  • ·       Is the research topic financially feasible as per the resources that are available to you?
  • ·       Are you able to gain access to the prospective respondent group easily that is outlined in your research topic?

Appropriateness of the research topic:


  • ·       Does the research topic fits the specifications and meet the standards as per the university dissertation handbook guidelines?
  • ·       Is the research issue in the research topic pertinent to able to link theories and models?
  • ·       Is the research aim, objectives and questions are easily and clearly related?
  • ·       Will the research be able to show some fresh directions to a new discovery or test an existing phenomenon in different context?
  • ·       Does the research topic clearly relate to the idea which you initially had in your mind about a phenomenon, issue or any organisation?
  • ·       Do you feel that the outcomes of the findings of the dissertation is likely to be symmetrical?
  • ·       Does the research topic chosen in any way satisfies your area of interest, career in future?
  • HOW TO FIND A GOOD RESEARCH TOPIC: Part II ends here. So ping us, if you need help. 


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Tips for PhD scholars for writing PhD Journals 

Tips for PhD scholars for writing PhD Journals 

Tips for PhD scholars for writing PhD Journals. The #writingjournals is an integral part of the #PhDcurriculum when the #doctoralstudent wants to set the imprints of being the #researchscholar.


  1. As a researcher, you need to choose a topic or an area that fascinates you. So it will be worthwhile to #research/write and a good book is ‘Research Project’ about that you are passionately about. My experience as a PhD. Candidate, I find that most of my style of writing tends to find out more or understand more. So it is about a particular phenomenon and explaining it more which intrigues me. As I research more, I keep explaining it to myself about a new and interesting way which is worthy of publication.
  2. RULE two is to BE ORGANISED – planning the limited time is essential as submission is not in your hands, especially when there are many things to do in limited time. A good guide is ‘Palgrave Student’s Planner’ that is worth every penny. Phd journal writing tips
  1. Make sure that you set aside one slot of time each day/week for writing PhD Journals, when you do research for PhD Journals and also make sure of other forces that should not infringe on your journal research work on this time.
  2. So as a #researcher, I can easily view at macro level what I need to do and by when. This is important and the use of white-board with a ‘to do’ list with tasks listed monthly and their deadlines in a logbook can be of great help. It is encouraging to strike off those on which I have worked on (usually with a great sense of accomplishment!). It is a manual work but worth the habit to grow on you.
  3. To plan research sections in journal in chunks: so there can be a plan to do in this week, this month, in few months, yearly target, three year target. So as a researcher you need to have a clear idea for what you want to achieve. The challenge is to stick to this as much as you can.
  4. Also is it important for you to know that if you tend to think more than a year ahead. As the feedback of the university professor will affect the process of research and the research outcomes.
  5. The most important structural element is to understand PhD Journals citing and may be you can use, ‘Cite Them Right’ book that is now on discounted offer. Easy or less time-intensive tasks such as correcting for writing PhD Journals proofs, #editing or formatting a journal article or chapter for #submission or #reading research materials and taking notes can be fitted in smaller periods of time. To master PhD literature review writing if you are an international student writing for writing PhD Journals  then use ‘Academic writing’  book will load you with tips. These are some of the tips for PhD scholars for writing PhD Journals. These are Phd journal writing tips. 


  1. So whatever research time you need to start writing as academic writing is very different from what you have written before. Recommendation is to go through ’Success in Academic writing’ and practice until you perfect it.
  2. Make a early start as submission time is fixed so the sooner the better. So the first draft of for writing PhD Journals  which you have written, save it in your computer, show it to the professor, friends and ask for opinions.  Be open to criticisms or else you can never improve, read ‘How to get a PhD., as defending PhD thesis is facing criticisms. It can always be polished and developed later , but you need to master the skill to do it and it is not an instant ‘Starkbucks coffee’. In this case your starting point should be journal writing or start with literature review or do not even think to progress to thesis.
  3. Organise your writing PhD Journals as per time frame into different computer files with appropriate names and maintain logbook with dates, in the following manner: articles in progress, submitted articles, accepted #articles, #conferencepapers, #blogposts, #bookproposals, #grantapplications etc.
  4. You can never loose that feeling unenthusiastic if you have been rejected or returned the piece you have written and do not have mental energy to write another piece of writing.
  5. There has to be deadlines and try to meet these.  It should be like achieving the milestones. Try these tips for PhD scholars for writing PhD Journals 

If you feel that you need help for writing PhD Journals , email us for Phd journal writing tips, chat with us, or even send a ping us through whatsapp.

Whatsapp/Telegram/IMO: +91.9830529298


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Financial difficulties for thesis progress, a survival guide for PhD students

Financial difficulties for thesis progress, a survival guide for PhD students


Understanding PhD finances and application

Ever since there is a seed of passion to pursue a doctoral degree is born, there are a range of difficulties that one is likely to face. These are Financial difficulties for thesis progress, a survival guide for PhD students.  As a doctoral student myself, I found that cracking the PhD entrance examination and facing the PhD teaching fraternity in proving my research interest area is rather difficult. The real challenges for my doctoral thesis was time and money as most of the PhD courses are extremely pricey as they are the pinnacle of the education that you have opted for. Though the doctoral studies like the graduates ones are themselves beyond the reach of most of the students, I have seen my PhD batchmates opting out and looking for jobs during PhD instead of pursuing this final degree. This higher education system has been outpacing the living costs is a barrier for many as I can say my friends who opted out of PhD, would have made a finer professor than myself. I came across PhD discussion boards and found which have one particular only for PhDs which caught my attention.


My Experience in PhD application

Over there, the mates which I met in the discussion board was discussing about specific issues that related to the cost factor in a doctoral thesis. There are many challenges like request for extension of the thesis submission date, that is quite normal amongst students. The evaluation of student progress in the university desired format also is linked to the financial aid. This is infact regulated by the federal regulations which requires evaluation of student in terms of progress made. However, there can be situations where the collection of primary data from the field work in order to meet the proposed sample size can overshoot the budget. Financial planning for the research requires an estimation as the planned approach. This will help to understand and plan for the sample size achievability factor in the given time frame. Here are some tips on Financial difficulties for thesis progress, a survival guide for PhD students.


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