
How to Write a Good Concluding Paragraph in research

How to Write a Good Concluding Paragraph in research

Like a good story, a good research output should not stop in the middle. How to Write a Good Concluding Paragraph in research. It should have a satisfying conclusion, one that gives the reader a sense of completion on the subject. Don’t allow your essay to drop off or fade out at the end—instead, use the concluding paragraph to emphasize the validity and importance of your thinking. Remember that  the concluding paragraph is your last chance to convince the reader. (As one cynical but realistic student pointed out, the conclusion may be the last part of your essay the
teacher reads before putting a grade on your paper.) Therefore, make your conclusion count.

Ideas for writing your dissertation conclusions:

1. A summary of the thesis and the essay’s major points (most useful in long essays) -The destruction of the rain forests must be stopped. Although developers protest that they are bringing much-needed financial aid into these traditionally poverty-stricken areas, no amount of money can compensate for what is being lost. Without the rain forests, we are not only contributing to the global warming of the entire planet, we are losing indigenous trees and plants that might someday provide new medicines or vaccines for diseases. Moreover, the replacement of indigenous peoples with corporation-run ranches robs the world of cultural diversity. For the sake of the planet’s well-being, Project Rainforest should be
2. An evaluation of the importance of the essay’s subject -These amazing, controversial photographs of the comet will continue to be the subject of debate because, according to some scientists, they yield the most important clues yet revealed about the origins of our universe.
3. A statement of the essay’s broader implications- Because these studies of feline leukemia may someday play a crucial role in the discovery of a cure for AIDS in human beings, the experiments, as expensive as they are, must continue.
4. A recommendation or call to action -The specific details surrounding the death of World War II hero Raoul Wallenberg are still unknown. Although Russia has recently admitted—after fifty years of denial—that Wallenberg was murdered by the KGB in 1947, such a confession is not enough. We must write our congressional representatives today urging their support for the new Swedish commission investigating the circumstances of
his death. No hero deserves less.
5. A warning based on the essay’s thesis- Understanding the politics that led to the destruction of Hiroshima is essential for all Americans—indeed, for all the world’s peoples. Without such knowledge, the frightful possibility exists that somewhere, sometime, someone might drop
the bomb again.

A quotation from an authority or someone whose insight emphasizes the main point Even though I didn’t win the fiction contest, I learned so much about my own powers of creativity. I’m proud that I pushed myself in new directions. I know now I will always agree with Herman Melville, whose writing was unappreciated in his own time, that “it is better to struggle with originality than to succeed in imitation.”

7. An anecdote or brief example that emphasizes or sums up the point of the essay Bette Davis’s role on and off the screen as the catty, wisecracking woman of steel helped make her an enduring star. After all, no audience, past or present, could ever resist a dame who drags on a cigarette and then mutters about a passing starlet, “There goes a good time that was had by all.”
8. An image or description that lends finality to the essay As the last of the Big Screen’s giant ants are incinerated by the army scientist, one can almost hear the movie audiences of the 1950s breathing a collective sigh of relief, secure in the knowledge that once again the threat of nuclear
radiation had been vanquished by the efforts of the U.S. military.
(◆ For another last image that captures the essence of an essay, see the “open house” scene that concludes “To Bid the World Farewell,” page 222.)
9. A rhetorical question that makes the readers think about the essay’s main point No one wants to see hostages put in danger. But what nation can afford to let terrorists know they can get away with blackmail?
10. A forecast based on the research thesis – Soap operas will continue to be popular not only because they distract us from our daily chores but also because they present life as we want it to be: fast-paced, glamorous, and full of exciting characters.

11. An ironic twist, witticism, pun, or playful use of words (often more appropriate in lighthearted essays) After analyzing and understanding the causes of my procrastination, I now feel better, more determined to change my behavior. In fact, I’ve decided that today is the day for decisive action! I will choose a major! Hmmmm . . . or maybe not. I need to think about it some more. I’ll get back to you, okay? Tomorrow. Really.
12. Return to the technique used in your lead-in (answer a question you asked, circle back to a story, extend a quotation, etc.)
So was Dorothy right in The Wizard of Oz? After the tough summer I spent on our ranch in Wyoming, mending barbed-wire fences and wrestling angry calves, I could think of nothing else on the long bus ride back to school.


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How to Write a Good Concluding Paragraph in research.

Ways of finding relevant material for research

Ways of finding relevant material for research


Ways of finding relevant material for research is a topic that is useful for dissertation writers in University.

Search electronic sources

Searching electronic databases is probably the quickest way to access a lot of material. Guidance will be available via your own department or school and via the relevant Information Librarian.

There may also be key sources of publications for your subject that are accessible electronically, such as collections of policy documents, standards, archive material, videos, and audio-recordings.

References of references

If you can find a few really useful sources, it can be a good idea to check through their reference lists to see the range of sources that they referred to. This can be particularly useful if you find a review article that evaluates other literature in the field. This will then provide you with a long reference list, and some evaluation of the references it contains.

Hand searching of journals

No electronic literature search can be 100% comprehensive, as the match between search terms and the content of articles will never be perfect. An electronic search may throw up a huge number of hits, but there are still likely to be other relevant articles that it has not detected. So, despite having access to electronic databases and to electronic searching techniques, it can be surprisingly useful to have a pile of journals actually on your desk, and to look through the contents pages, and the individual articles.

Often hand searching of journals will reveal ideas about focus, research questions, methods, techniques, or interpretations that had not occurred to you. Sometimes even a key idea can be discovered in this way. It is therefore probably worth allocating some time to sitting in the library, with issues from the last year or two of the most relevant journals for your research topic, and reviewing them for anything of relevance.

Blaxter et al. (2001:103) recommend this method, in addition to other more systematic methods, saying:
‘Take some time to browse – serendipity is a wonderful thing.’


Collecting research material

To avoid printing out or photocopying a lot of material that you will not ultimately read, you can use the abstracts of articles to check their relevance before you obtain full copies.
EndNote and RefWorks are software packages that you can use to collect and store details of your references, and your comments on them. As you review the references, remember to be a critical reader (see Study Guide What is critical reading?).

Keeping a record of all research journals

Keeping a record of your search strategy is useful, to prevent you duplicating effort by doing the same search twice, or missing out a significant and relevant sector of literature because you think you have already done that search. Increasingly, examiners at post-graduate level are looking for the detail of how you chose which evidence you decided to refer to. They will want to know how you went about looking for relevant material, and your process of selection and omission. You need to check what is required within your own discipline. If you are required to record and present your search strategy, you may be able to include the technical details of the search strategy as an appendix to your thesis.

But if you are still unsure and stuck in writing literature review for your journal paper manuscript, drop an


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Tips for writing literature review in dissertation

Tips for writing literature review in dissertation

Here are some of the tips for writing literature review in dissertation.

Understand what is a literature review?

The ability to review, and to report on relevant literature is a key academic skill. A literature review:
situates your research focus within the context of the wider academic community in your field;
reports your critical review of the relevant literature; and
identifies a gap within that literature that your research will attempt to address.

To some extent, particularly with postgraduate research, the literature review can become a project in itself. It is an important showcase of your talents of: understanding, interpretation, analysis, clarity of thought, synthesis, and development of argument. The process of conducting and reporting your literature review can help you clarify your own thoughts about your study. It can also establish a framework within which to present and analyse the findings. After reading your literature review, it should be clear to the reader that you have up-to-date awareness of the relevant work of others, and that the research question you are asking is relevant. However, don’t promise too much! Be wary of saying that your research will solve a problem, or that it will change practice. It would be safer and probably more realistic to say that your research will ‘address a gap’, rather than that it will ‘fill a gap’.

When to review the literature

With small-scale writing projects, the literature review is likely to be done just once; probably before the writing begins. With longer projects such as a dissertation for a Masters degree, and certainly with a PhD, the literature review process will be more extended.
There are three stages at which a review of the literature is needed:
 an early review is needed to establish the context and rationale for your study and to confirm your choice of research focus/question;
 as the study period gets longer, you need to make sure that you keep in touch with current, relevant research in your field, which is published during the period of your research;
 as you prepare your final report or thesis, you need to relate your findings to the findings of others, and to identify their implications for theory, practice, and research. This can involve further review with perhaps a slightly different focus from that of your initial review.
This applies especially to people doing PhDs on a part-time basis, where their research might extend over six or more years. tips for writing literature review in dissertation. You need to be able to demonstrate that you are aware of current issues and research, and to show how your research is relevant within a changing context.

How to start with literature review for your research 

Reading anything on your research area is a good start. You can then begin your process of evaluating the quality and relevance of what you read, and this can guide you to more focussed further reading.
 What is the specific thesis, problem, or research question that my literature review helps to define?
 What type of literature review am I conducting? Am I looking at issues of theory? methodology? policy? quantitative research? qualitative research?
 What is the scope of my literature review? What types of publications am I using (e.g., journals, books, government documents, popular media)?
 What discipline(s) am I working in (e.g., nursing, psychology, sociology, medicine)?

If you are satisfied with the above article on tips for writing literature review in dissertation, then we are more than happy. But if you are still unsure and stuck in writing literature review for your dissertation, drop an email/ tips for writing literature review in dissertation

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Logistics management dissertation topics for MBA students in 2022

Logistics management dissertation topics for MBA students in 2022



Systematic  literature review on the role of crowd-sourced freight services in logistics.
Warehousing trends and challenges in omnichannel logistics in Post COVID19 era.
Sustainable logistics management practices between emerging and developed countries.
Efficacy of the integrate technologies and service providers to manage the logistics processes
How the utilization of logistics can impact local transport channels in the UK?
Investigate the role of software solutions and outsourced logistics service providers in the UK.
Conduct a theoretical analysis of the concept of a control tower in logistics with a futuristic perspective.
Review the relevance of quality management standards to the procurement and logistics function of mobile outlets in the UK.
Discuss the impact of app-based instant freight services in the UK.
Review the policies and regulations in logistics and supply chain models of the UK from the transport perspective.
Write about the history, current trends, and future implications of ERP in logistics and supply chain management.
Describe the feasibility of the warehouse management function of family businesses in the UK.
Discuss the practical impact of packing regulations in the UK on business logistics.
How do small family businesses in the UK navigate the procedural intricacies of logistics management?
Prepare a systematic review of the ethical practices and challenges in logistics and supply chain management.
Explain the models, strategies, and challenges of the decision-making process in logistics and procurement.
Analyze the cost factors in logistics in post COVID19 business environment.
Compare the implementation of sustainable logistics management practices between developed countries.
Explain the strategies to minimize the inherent risks in logistics management.
Assessing environmental impact of transport solutions on sustainable chain of responsibility in the UK.
Discuss the packaging regulations in the United Kingdom and sustainable SCM in ecommerce
Discuss the regulations related to sustainable packaging in the USA
Comparative analysis of the existing supply chain and logistics regulations in the United States and China
Importance of relationship development managers in the successful management of supply chain network
Discuss the concept of Enterprise Integration with ERP and LIS impacting business strategies

Hot dissertation Topics on Logistics and Supply Chain Management MBA students
Analyze how the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is promoting socially responsible supply chains.
Prepare a literature review on the role of integrated supply chain platforms in the backdrop of the Internet of Things.
Explore the retail sector of your country and discuss how the retailers have taken advantage of digital freight matching.
Review the effectiveness of the introduction of carbon and greenhouse gas reduction in the supply chain of manufacturers in China.
How do the businesses in the UK handle customer services using third-party platforms?
How are food requirements for tourists’ seasons forecasted by famous multicultural restaurants?
Analyze the trends and challenges in supply chains.
Prepare a systematic review on humanitarian supply chain integration.
Why are shippers looking for innovative alternatives to parcel carrier service?
How do independent pharmacy retailers in the UK maximize logistical value?
Describe the role of a relationship development manager from the healthcare sector of your country in building trust and maintaining efficient supply chains.
Explain the impact of the latest trends in the supply chain on the digital revolution and globalization.
Investigate warehousing within the context of large, medium, and small enterprises in your country.
Prepare a review of the relationship of the retail industry with transportation economics.
Explore the inventory management methodologies of three different industry sectors in your country.
Supply chain disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Evolution of logistics and supply chain over the past two decades
Impact of e-commerce growth in the global logistics industry
Discuss the most recent supply chain innovations and their benefits
Use of smart glasses and autonomous robots in supply chain management

Outstanding Research Topics on Logistics Management
Explain how the logistics and supply chain functions have evolved in the 21st century.
Analyze the influence of IT innovation on the effectiveness of logistics and supply chain management.
Discuss the impact of the change in demand and supply on logistics functions and costs.
Risk management techniques integration in the supply chain through logistics processes.
Research the logistics and supply chain workflows using RFID and bar code database.
Analyze the role of value chain strategy in logistics and supply chain management.
Explain the significance of IT in the management of logistics and supply chains.
Industry4.0 innovations and strategies for logistics and supply chains.
Examining role of logistics and supply chain management in the enhancement of SMEs.
Discuss the development of logistics capability through supply chain integration.
Explain the relationship between logistics and supply chain management.
Analyze the impact of a company’s logistics performance on global business performance.
Explaining SCM challenges and opportunities that are related to the evolution in the logistics function and processes.
What is the role of logistics and supply chain management in the success of MNCs?
Analyze the impact of logistics functions on an organization’s financial performance.
Explain the significance of the adoption of logistics and supply chain management principles and concepts.
Study the procurement management of specialized projects in the commercial construction sector.
Investigate how the evolution of logistics and supply chain management contributes to strategic differentiation and operational effectiveness.
What is the impact of inbound and outbound logistics on the supplier-consumer relationship?
Explain the role of information management in handling logistics and supply chain challenges.
Examine the practical implementation practices that are related to green sustainable procurement strategies.
Explain the relationship between supply chain management and procurement.
What is the role of technological advancements in the improvement of logistics and supply chain management of MNCs?
Write about the applications of IoT in the field of logistics.
Discuss the impact of IT emergence on the third and fourth-party logistics systems.
Use of AI (artificial intelligence) and Machine Learning in logistics
Use of robotics in logistics4.0
Evolution of the global logistics industry between 1900 to 2022
Discuss the advanced technologies used in warehousing management
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of warehouse robots

Dissertation Topics on Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Get Logistics Research Topics
What is the impact of inventory in the logistics industry?
What is the impact of transportation on the logistics industry?
Discuss the value chain strategy concerned with the logistic industry in the UK.
Does the increase of the concepts associated with intermodal and international logistics impact the functioning of various manufacturing companies?
Take a closer look at anticipatory logistics in supply chain management.
Analyzing the logistics management principles by evaluating them within an environment regarded as being practical.
What are the effects of information management on the supply chain and logistics of the automobile industry in the UK?
Discuss the significance of logistics management in streamlining reorders for clothing brands in the UK.
Does warehousing play an important role in the logistics industry?
Have a closer look at logistics and transportation in Australia.
Analyze the various logistics operations of manufacturing organizations.
What is the role of ERP in assisting logistics management and warehousing for FMCG products?
How to satisfy customers when it comes to logistics?
What is the effect of procurement logistics on the sales of FMCG manufacturing companies?
Explain the importance of logistics management in streamlining the financial positions of global businesses in the UK.

Top-rated SCM and Logistics Research Topics
Describe the origin of the term ‘Business Logistics’ in an increasingly globalized supply chain.
What is the role of supply chain management in business outsourcing?
Evaluate the effects of information dissemination and sharing among intermediaries in a supply chain.
Explain the barriers to implementing an efficient supply management system.
Implementation of E-logistics in Supply Chain Operations.
Evaluate the use of technology in modern supply chain systems.
Examine the implementation of Green Supply Chain Management Practices.
What is the effectiveness of customer service strategy on the supply chain management of e-Commerce stores in the UK?
Implementation of IoT in 3PL/4PL Industry.
The extension of supply chain resilience through Industry 4.0.
Evaluate the strategies for cost reduction in the supply chain in automobile exports and imports in China.
Investigate the role of Logistics and SCM in dealing with emerging challenges and complexities.
The practicability of intertwined supply networks with IoT.
Discuss the effect of packaging on the operations of fragrance exporters in the UK.
Assess supply chain risk management capabilities.
Explain the reverse logistics strategies for End-of-Life products.
What are the key differences in SCM and logistics in light of different theories?
Examine procurement cost management in the lean organizations of emerging economies.
How to measure and minimize the ecological impact of logistics activities?
Explain the Impact of Industry 4.0 on supply chain management.
What are the reasons for enlisting emergency logistics services?
What are the factors that affect the application of an efficient supply management system?
Evaluate the strategies for cost reduction in SCM relating to exports and imports.
What are the machine learning techniques in supply chain management?
Prepare a literature review on the relationship between reverse logistics and sustainability performance.

Dissertation Topics on Logistics and Supply Chain Management

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Theories of consumer behaviour in internet based marketing


Theories of consumer behaviour in internet based marketing

Theories of consumer behaviour in internet based marketing is essential for business management research proposals or MBA dissertation writing. Behaviour challenges that affect consumers engaging on internet media such as e-shopping,  tries to give recommendations that can be applied so that the business firm can increase its productivity using internet marketing. Therefore, these are some key theories to apply in your dissertation in marketing. Theories of consumer behaviour in internet based marketing is essential for business management dissertation writing as business environment, technology is shaping our lives. B2B thesis on marketing, B2C thesis on marketing, C2C customer to customer thesis on marketing are now becoming popular amongst MBA students.


Theoretical Approaches in achieving goals met through media

There are two approaches that can be used to study how goals are attained through internet media. This includes online users and gratification and the media system dependent theory. Users and Gratifications focuses on the consumer control with regard to accessing the media in this case the internet content basing on their goals and/or needs while media system dependent theory (MSD) defines individual relationship with the internet media basing on the intensity of the relationships that exists between the consumer and the internet. Under this section we will focus on Internet Dependency Relations (IDR) which is an emergent factor that promotes online activities. It allows correlation between the consumer and the net while realizing there is a diverse culture and different views on which factors that affect net users; it is one form of MSD.

Goal Dimensions of Media dependent Relationship

Internet Dependency Relations (IDR)’s intensity will indeed affect internet user’s who are shopping online, reading news, and their chatting experience. This activities have enjoyed a wide popularity among users hence are chosen to be studied; they also match easily with MSD goal dimensions. The MSD goal dimensions include orientation shopping, understanding the news read and playing while chatting. There exist a linkage between intensity of particular goal dimensions and their respective online activities, the action orientation and e-shopping, social understanding and reading of online news and self play with online chatting.

Internet Media System Dependency Theory

In IMSD Internet Media System Dependency Theory a media dependency relationship is process where there is satisfaction of consumer needs and the attainment of media goals by the individuals is dependent on the resources of the other party (Pastore, 1999). An Individual has to depend on media information resources so that they can attain their various goals. When we talk of information resources we mean media products, commercial and advertisement information. The perceived assistance by the media to achieve business goals is determined by the strength of media dependency relations. A wide range of individual goals, understanding the social and self, orientation which means interaction and action, and play (social/solitary) benefits which may be attained through media resources as Noack (2003) stated. To understand goals, involve dealing with people’s needs and understanding the world around themselves. Orientation focuses on the demand of behaving right when interacting with others as well as a person’s behavioural and decision making and play goals is interested with the demands for escapism as well as entertainment (Noack, 2003). The good thing with these goal dimensions is that though they are exhaustive they behave in a mutual exclusion which means more than one goal can easily be activated using the same medium. With intensity and the scope of the goals their determination is based on how the media resources are exclusive in achieving these goals, they also differ depending various individual or differ with the same person after some time (Pastore, 1999).

Theories of consumer behaviour in internet based marketing is essential for business management. 



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Five Consumer Behaviour theories for your MBA dissertation 

Five Consumer Behaviour theories for your MBA dissertation 

Here are the Five Consumer Behaviour theories for your MBA dissertation. Students are spending their end term dissertation, internship dissertation to parse the thoughts, patterns, and behaviors of consumers. Understanding the theories of Consumer Behaviour for their target audience, they can probe deeper into that audience’s wants and needs to reflect in the MBA dissertation. Over the years, many academicians have invented theories to try and streamline what they believe explains these behaviors.

1. Theory of Reasoned Action

Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen originally conceived the theory of reasoned action: a consumer behavior theory that focuses on the relationship between marketing and the preexisting attitudes consumers bring to their purchasing decisions.

According to the theory of reasoned action, consumers act on behaviors that they believe will create or receive a particular outcome, familiar or otherwise. As such, rational decision-making is the chief element of what drives consumers to make purchases.

This consumer behavior concept leans on the significance of specificity over obtuseness. In other words, a consumer may only take a specific action when given a reason to believe there’ll be a specific desired result. From the time the consumer decides to move forward with a decision to the moment the action is finished, the consumer can change their mind or select a different course of action.

This has led marketers to several insights, the first being how they must associate a purchase with a specific positive result. For example, AXE markets its body spray products in such a way that all who use them might believe they have improved desirability with women. The theory then emphasizes the importance of moving consumers through the sales pipeline, rather than keeping them idle, where they might have an opportunity to talk themselves out of a purchase or decide to spend their money on a competing brand.

2. Engel Kollat Blackwell Model

The Engel Kollat Blackwell (EKB) Model is a natural evolution of the ideas found in the theory of reasoned action. This theory of buyer behavior operates on a four-phase process that influences how consumers make purchasing decisions: input, processing information, decision stages, and variables in the decision-making process.

Input is the first phase, which is simply the stage when consumers take in the most marketing materials either through billboards, online advertisements, or in-person displays. Through the data collected in these materials, they graduate to information processing, during which they combine that input with experience and expectations to make the best decision for their current circumstances. Rational insight leads them to the next step, which is where they actually make a purchasing decision based on the information they collected.

The decision process also has five phases: recognition of need, information searching, evaluating alternatives, purchasing (or choosing), and post-purchase outcomes.

During the initial information stage of the EKB model of consumer behavior theory, input is the most valuable. Consumers receive enough information about the product or service to easily recall or turn to the company’s products for future needs, and again during the external influence phase. One industry that has a good grasp of this sequence is the lifestyle industry, where brands know exactly how to market their products to trigger a desire in the consumer, usually so they look, smell, or feel better than they would if they used competing brands.

3. Motivation-Need Theory

In 1943, the broader psychological community felt the impact of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: a theory that insists that individuals act to satisfy and fulfill their needs based on a system of five priorities of increasing importance — physiological survival, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization.

Maslow’s theory was used across business and marketing classes to explain why consumer-tailored marketing messages were critical to sales success. By appealing to consumers in a way that relates to their level of need, marketing campaigns could prioritize purchases that instill significance and urgency.

Marketers with a strong understanding of motivation-need consumer behavior theory can effectively craft campaigns and advertisements around an artificial need that they control within the consumer. A common modern example comes in the form of luxury carmakers that emphasize the safety and security features within their vehicles over the aesthetic, convincing consumers that spending their money on an expensive luxury car is acceptable because it fulfills the need to provide physiological safety for oneself and family.

4. Hawkins Stern Impulse Buying

In contrast to the focus on rational action found in most other theories of consumer behavior, Hawkins Stern put its focus on impulse behavior. It’s Stern’s argument that the impulse to purchase was only one-half of average consumer behavior, fitting neatly beside tendencies toward more rational purchasing decisions. These impulse decisions are influenced mostly by external stimuli like walking past a convincing advertisement and possess very little relationship to traditional decision-making habits.

Impulse buying exists on four levels of the Stern philosophy. The first level is the quick, pure impulse purchase, like making a last-minute purchase on the way out of a grocery or hardware store. The second level is known as the “reminded” impulse purchase, which makes associations between one product and another. For example, placing chips and salsa in the same aisle, so if you’re planning to buy one, you’re reminded you may want the other.

The third level is the suggested impulse purchase, such as tacking on a warranty offer as you purchase electronics or power tools. The fourth level is the planned impulse decision, which is deliberate in that consumers know they want to buy a type of product, but just aren’t sure of the specifics.

Marketers have spent years trying to master the power of impulse purchases. From the art of packaging to the arrangement of a product on store shelves, everything has an impact on the target audience’s impulse control.

5. Theory of Buyer Behavior

The core concept present in the theory of buyer behavior is that purchasing behavior is, generally speaking, reliably repetitive and prone to establishing a familiar purchasing routine to save time and simplify the decision-making process. In answer to this, the theory seeks to identify the elements of that decision process and note any changes that occur, and whether those things grew out of a commercial and social environment that any given brand could influence.

According to this consumer behavior theory, a buyer’s preferred choice of brand is informed by motives; alternative choices, or courses of action; and any decision mediators that match the motives with those alternatives, such as whether the buyer thinks coffee is better in the morning or the evening. Through understanding these mediators, the alternative brands on the market, and the brands the consumer is aware of, there’s room to find a gap and make something that fills that gap.

In addition, there’s an opportunity when a new buyer is in the market to purchase a new type of product (product class), but lacks experience or knowledge of the product needed. The information the buyer seeks or accidentally receives from a third party is processed through the lens of what’s needed and how well that product might fulfill that need.

It may also be compared to previous types of products and use a similar process in making the new decision. For example, according to the theory of buyer behavior, a buyer may generalize the experience of purchasing a refrigerator and use that experience to inform the purchase of a new dishwasher.

Regardless of the source, the one making the purchase develops the decision mediators needed to reliably choose that brand in the future based on what seems to have the best potential for satisfying the purchaser’s motives.

Therefore, the above five consumer behaviour theories for your MBA dissertation, is useful for writing consumer behaviour dissertations in your marketing course. If you are seeking directions in BBA marketing dissertation topics, MBA marketing dissertations topics, applying these Five Consumer Behaviour theories for your MBA dissertation will help you to score more. Get top dissertation writing tips from, and the question of how to score high in dissertation will be fulfilled for you.



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Plagiarism Removal Services in Business Administration topics

Plagiarism Removal Services in Business Administration topics

Announcing plagiarism Removal Services in Business Administration topics. Writing research reports is not possible without consulting a number of references like Business Administration journals, websites, and books. Sometimes, you may end up stating some information from these sources without providing proper citation for them or citing them in a wrong style. This leads to plagiarism in your work. At other times, you may have wrongly quoted someone or may have picked up substantial information from an original source without it being rewritten in your own words and without giving credit to the source. Once again, you do a blunder.

Our plagiarism Removal Services

However, you do not have to worry even if you have committed plagiarism blunders. We, at, follow a systematic process of checking your content and surgically eliminating the plagiarized matter. While it is not possible to do away with such a problem completely, we assure that more than 70% of the plagiarized text is treated and rewritten. We make sure that your Business Administration research journal or Business Administration conference paper is written genuinely with original ideas and thoughts. Our goal at dissertationshelp4u, is to integrate all your referred sources and information in your work in an authentic and proper manner. You do not have to bother about boggling your mind with the confusion of citing your sources or quoting rightly at certain places. These are the steps we follow to remove thesis plagiarism or dissertation removal services:

Check matching content: 

We match the content that you have sent against such similar text present online or in offline resources. We use the latest plagiarism detection software for this purpose. If your text has been published in the past, then it is bound to show after using these tools. Such tools have advanced capabilities of plagiarism detection and report generation, and our professionals very well know the way to take the best advantage of such tools.

Paraphrase academic content: 

We find all the ‘copied content’ and its sources, and then we go ahead to revise your content methodically. Our academic writers at MBAprojects, understand the points that you wish to state, read the concerned resources, and then rewrite using original words. We do not just paraphrase the text using some mechanical tools, but do a thorough revision without changing the meaning of your content.

Make corrections and rewrite content: 

Sometimes, content is so severely plagiarized that we also have to rewrite the entire content from scratch which is rewriting it 100%. However, our team  retain the essence of the main idea even when we use our own words. On the other hand, a few ideas may simply need corrections because the information is presented wrongly. In these cases, we make relevant alterations or corrections. For instance, if quotation marks have not been used to mention a quote, then we do it precisely.

Use Citations : 

We at insert the required citations in your text at proper places, using the suitable citation style and format. If your institution has suggested you to follow a specific professional format, then you may let us know before we start processing your work. We will make sure to comply with the format you give us. Thus, we ensure that no data, idea, or quotation goes into your report without proper citation. We make the required corrections in your bibliography, as well as in-text citations.
Through these above three steps, our dissertationshelp4u purge your document and make it plagiarism free. Plagiarism Removal Services in Business Administration topics from MBAprojects is available now!

Genuine plagiarism removal services:

We cover your entire thesis research report, article, or paper for removing plagiarism so even the abstract and conclusion in it are free of copied content. MBAprojects offers affordable and genuine plagiarism removal services in any country, any university, simply connect with us. 

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EUROPASS CV for the university students


EUROPASS CV for the university students

Why do you need a Europass CV?

If you’re applying for a job description in organisations in any country of Europe, you need to use  the Europass CV. You might be wondering Why do you need a Europass CV? And must be preparing international CV, but it is important to know than worrying what type of CV to choose for EU organisations. Therefore, working with a Europass CV requires your CV to be put together and easily recognisable by EU employers and aligning the standards for all EU educational institutions, to meet EU organisation protocols.

Read on to learn about Europass CV, help what a Europass CV is, what to use it for and how to put one together with our top tips, as well as see an example in action.

What is a Europass CV?

The Europass CV is preferred and officially accepted CV formats in Europe. The purpose of Europass CV is to present the job applicant’s work history, job applicant’s education, listing competencies and skills of job applicant along with the important information to potential EU employers.

Europass CV is part of the online Europass platform, an incentive set out by the EU in order to help create some uniformity and transparency. This helps to structure the experience and qualifications of the candidate applying, so that they’re clearly understood by employers throughout Europe.

Easy way to create your own Europass Profile

Europass CV have different sections of your CV, specifically your personal details, a summary, your professional experience, education and training, and skills and competencies. You can also add additional sections language skills, publications, volunteer work, and hobbies and interests.

You can select an appropriate design for it from a selection of our CV templates. In this step, you can ask for your CV’s colour palette, change font size and add page numbers.

Order your Europass CV

All you have to do now is send us your old CV and get your Europass CV share it with your EU employment services aimed to facilitate employment mobility among EU member states) — You can also ask us to create a Europass Profile. Later on you can also download your Europass CV as a PDF file whenever you are changing jobs in EU. (Make sure to give it an appropriate name, like firstname and last name CV’.)

Tips for writing a Europass CV

As with writing any type of CV, there are certain things you can do to make yours stand out from other candidates and mistakes to avoid making. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Be concise in Europass CV

When describing your experience, make sure that you use short statements — this makes your Europass CV more readable and easily understandable, and it shows that you respect the reader’s time. On that note, it’s a good idea to avoid clichés like ‘excellent problem-solver’ and to start statements with action words like ‘oversaw’ and ‘supervised’.


  1. Tailor your experience

Rather than just including everything and anything in your Europass CV, make sure the information you pick is relevant to the role you’re applying for. A good idea here is to look at the job description to identify key words and phrases and any relevant details, and incorporate these into your CV.

  1. Use measurables

Make sure your Europass CV highlights your results and achievements with facts and figures. Use percentages to show improvement and numbers to indicate things like how many people you manage, how much money you saved a company and how you scored in an appraisal.

  1. Focus on transferable skills

It’s not all about skills that feel very specific to the EU job you’re applying for. Employers want to know about your transferable skills, too — so, make sure you highlight things like communication skills, leadership abilities and a desire to collaborate in your Europass CV.

  1. Use the correct tenses in Europass CV

A common mistake people often make with a Europass CV is getting tenses muddled. Your current role should be written in the present tense (although some achievements that have passed may be in the past tense). Previous roles should always be written in the past tense.

  1. Proofread Europass CV

It may sound like an obvious thing to do, but make sure you give your Europass CV a thorough proofread before submitting. A Europass CV with lots of errors will give a bad impression, even if your experience is amazing. It shows a lack of attention to detail or, worse, a lack of effort. Grammar must be checked, as well as spelling and formatting.

Why do you need a Europass CV?

If you’re applying for a job description in organisations in any country of Europe, you need to use  the Europass CV. You might be wondering Why do you need a Europass CV? And must be preparing international CV, but it is important to know than worrying what type of CV to choose for EU organisations. Therefore, working with a Europass CV requires your CV to be put together and easily recognisable by EU employers and aligning the standards for all EU educational institutions, to meet EU organisation protocols.

Read on to learn about Europass CV, help what a Europass CV is, what to use it for and how to put one together with our top tips, as well as see an example in action.

What is a Europass CV?

The Europass CV is preferred and officially accepted CV formats in Europe. The purpose of Europass CV is to present the job applicant’s work history, job applicant’s education, listing competencies and skills of job applicant along with the important information to potential EU employers.

Europass CV is part of the online Europass platform, an incentive set out by the EU in order to help create some uniformity and transparency. This helps to structure the experience and qualifications of the candidate applying, so that they’re clearly understood by employers throughout Europe.

Easy way to create your own Europass Profile

Europass CV have different sections of your CV, specifically your personal details, a summary, your professional experience, education and training, and skills and competencies. You can also add additional sections language skills, publications, volunteer work, and hobbies and interests.

You can select an appropriate design for it from a selection of our CV templates. In this step, you can ask for your CV’s colour palette, change font size and add page numbers.

Order your Europass CV

All you have to do now is send us your old CV and get your Europass CV share it with your EU employment services aimed to facilitate employment mobility among EU member states) — You can also ask us to create a Europass Profile. Later on you can also download your Europass CV as a PDF file whenever you are changing jobs in EU. (Make sure to give it an appropriate name, like firstname and last name CV’.)

Tips for writing a Europass CV

As with writing any type of CV, there are certain things you can do to make yours stand out from other candidates and mistakes to avoid making. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Be concise in Europass CV

When describing your experience, make sure that you use short statements — this makes your Europass CV more readable and easily understandable, and it shows that you respect the reader’s time. On that note, it’s a good idea to avoid clichés like ‘excellent problem-solver’ and to start statements with action words like ‘oversaw’ and ‘supervised’.


  1. Tailor your experience

Rather than just including everything and anything in your Europass CV, make sure the information you pick is relevant to the role you’re applying for. A good idea here is to look at the job description to identify key words and phrases and any relevant details, and incorporate these into your CV.

  1. Use measurables

Make sure your Europass CV highlights your results and achievements with facts and figures. Use percentages to show improvement and numbers to indicate things like how many people you manage, how much money you saved a company and how you scored in an appraisal.

  1. Focus on transferable skills

It’s not all about skills that feel very specific to the EU job you’re applying for. Employers want to know about your transferable skills, too — so, make sure you highlight things like communication skills, leadership abilities and a desire to collaborate in your Europass CV.

  1. Use the correct tenses in Europass CV

A common mistake people often make with a Europass CV is getting tenses muddled. Your current role should be written in the present tense (although some achievements that have passed may be in the past tense). Previous roles should always be written in the past tense.

  1. Proofread Europass CV

It may sound like an obvious thing to do, but make sure you give your Europass CV a thorough proofread before submitting. A Europass CV with lots of errors will give a bad impression, even if your experience is amazing. It shows a lack of attention to detail or, worse, a lack of effort. Grammar must be checked, as well as spelling and formatting.


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Whatsapp/Telegram/IMO: +91.9830529298




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Qualitative data analysis services for the university students

Qualitative data analysis services for the university students


Qualitative data analysis services for the university students. We have conducted online interviews and focus groups for our past students for their dissertation and thesis. Often students ask how will I analyze qualitative data? University PhD candidates get stuck while conducting qualitative analysis. WHY? We found that they lack understanding about research methods, as mostly subjective research methods like qualitative data helps in gathering a trend, phenomenon, sentiment that implies general data to become specific data, involving than quantitative analysis. We have hired professional researchers, statisticians for quantitative data analysis services, and methodologists to design thesis approach in relation to research title. Our vast experience in qualitative research analysis services or , quantitative research analysis services , and mixed methods analysis services. Our company offers qualitative research analysis services for undergraduate, qualitative research analysis services for master’s, and qualitative research analysis services PhD students. We are conversant with the qualitative data analysis services for US university students, qualitative data analysis services for UK students, UAE, and qualitative data analysis services for Canadian University, qualitative data analysis services for Germany students, qualitative data analysis services for Indian university students,.. among other countries.

Our core qualitative data analysis services are-

  • Qualitative Topic Assistance
  • Qualitative Research Outline
  • Qualitative Data Collection service
  • Qualitative Methodology service
  • Interview Protocol Assistance
  • Transcription Assistance service
  • Qualitative Analysis service
  • Qualitative Coding Assistance
  • NVivo Analysis Assistance
  • MAXQDA Analysis
  • Qualitative Design Asssistance
  • Free Dissertation Consultation


How we Help with Qualitative Analysis

  1. Transcription of interviews and focus groups.
  2. Coding of interview and focus group transcripts.
  3. Thematic identification and analysis.
  4. Content analysis.
  5. Interview/Focus group protocol development.
  6. Qualitative questionnaire development.
  7. NVivo analysis.
  8. Field notes analysis.

Why Should You Choose Our Qualitative Data Analysis Services

Resourceful undergraduate students in universities, master’s students in universities, and doctorate students in universities undertaking different academic courses requires to use qualitative dissertation writing services for their internship report, end term thesis. We can help you analyze qualitative data collected from interviews, analyze qualitative data collected from focus groups, help in framing questionnaires for qualitative study and observations. Online service of qualitative data collected using NVivo and Online service of qualitative data collected using MAXQDA, among other qualitative softwares. Our team of research methodologists and statisticians are ready to help you conduct qualitative analysis for your University dissertation, or offer help writing research papers, help writing research journal, help writing conference papers and coursework writing services. In addition to delivering high-quality qualitative results reports, we will also help with other dissertation chapters and address all revision comments from your supervisor and committee.

Why Choose a Qualitative research study for your thesis?

Get an expert advice on qualitative analysis research near me, is what you are thinking? This is important for your dissertation as selecting the suitable qualitative design for your research study needs to be accomplished early stage of your thesis. As a PhD student, you need to understand why qualitative analysis is used in research; it is for theory building, that is inductive research approach.  There are different types of qualitative research designs, including case studies, ethnography, phenomenology, and narrative approaches that our PhD experts are well-trained on. Affordable qualitative analysis services or rather cheap qualitative analysis services, best qualitative analysis services, top qualitative analysis services.  Through our qualitative data analysis services, we will ensure that you get appropriate research purposes, objectives, methodology aligned to support the research design, and analysis. Our experts will also be available 24/7 on one to one qualitative research help services, provide you with advice on qualitative research process and free revisions. Qualitative data analysis services for the university students.


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URGENT ORDERS (prepaid) in 3 hours , connect with us >>


Whatsapp/Telegram/IMO: +91.9830529298




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