Get transcription service help for your research

Get transcription service help for your research


Are you worried about transcribing high volumes of your respondent’s interviews? Get transcription services for your research. Is your interview recordings so fast and unclear? You do not know how to transfer audio recordings to transcripts?

Transcription services offered by @dissertion4U covers a wide range of recordings such as research Interviews, Focus groups, Seminars/Conferences, Group discussions, Lectures, Invited talks, Market Research recording, Interviews, Media and Journalism recordings and Medical transcription. Avail @dissertion4U Help service which is specialized in both verbatim as well as non-verbatim transcription services. We have experts from academic research in legal, medical, corporate and language editors who are keen in converting the recordings. We are committed type of recording as per the client requirements. We take care in transcribing each and every word taking help of our subject-specific experts. This is a value added service in transcription services for your research. Just think twice if a word is recorded unclear so that it doesn’t mean the other way it is of no use to the research findings.

Transcription services for your research work?

We offer the best in transcription services for research. Our Transcription services for your research work  both the verbatim and non-verbatim transcripts. Our research experts in each subject, offer  well-versed transcribing capabilities of the recordings to comprehend the content ensuring that they give you the exact word the respondent uttered. Get qualitative research help and during data collection help in research, get the transcription services help. NOW!

Call to get the transcription services help: +91.8013000664

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