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SAMPLE Template of FINAL PROJECT REPORT Cover Page     Acknowledgement     Certificate of the Project guide/Centre Manager     Certificate of the Company/Organisation     Synopsis of the Project     Main Report:         Objective & Scope of the Project.         Theoretical Background.         Definition of Problem.         System Analysis & Design vis-a-vis User Requirements.         System Planning […]

Guidelines while presenting your Project

Guidelines while presenting your Project   These are a set of Guidelines while presenting your Project that would help you when you present your project to everyone. Your requirement can be diverse – PhD defense, synopsis presentation, proposal presentation, dissertation presentation in your University, international conference PPT Talk to the audience. Avoid talking to the […]

Problems faced in your final year project and ways to avoid them

Problems faced in your final year project and ways to avoid them   Your academic project would be a demanding, but an exciting learning experience. Problems faced in your final year project and ways to avoid them. However, it is not without problems which, if not identified and addressed, could seriously effect the final result […]