


What do I include in my Personal Statement for UK University?

Your career aspirations
How you became interested in studying the subject
What, if any, relevant work experience you have undertaken that is related to the course or subject
What aspects of your previous education you have found the most interesting
What attracted you to the particular university
Other relevant academic interests and passions which display positive character and personality
Genuine experiences of extra-curricular clubs, work experience or knowledge around a subject are much more likely to make your personal statement stand out, while admissions officers are also for looking for positive evidence of your character which will make you a productive member of the university.


How long should my UK Personal Statement be?

The length of a personal statement varies depending on the university, but generally the average length for an undergraduate application is between 400-600 words, around one side of A4 paper or a maximum of 47 lines. Certain postgraduate programmes may require a 1000 word personal statement, but this will be clearly specified.

Try not to go over the given character limit as admissions officers have many personal statements to go through, and a clearly written and concise personal statement is more likely to stand out. WRITING PERSONAL STATEMENT FOR UK UNIVERSITY IN 2022


What are common Personal Statement errors?


The personal statement is too short/long
The personal statement does not include important information/includes negative information
The personal statement has a confusing structure
It is also important to not lie about any aspect of your personal life and education history, or even exaggerate. Admissions officers will question you about almost all aspects of your application and will be able to see through any lies.


 Tips on writing UK University Personal Statement

  • Express a passion for your subject
    Start the statement strongly to grab an admission officers attention
    Link outside interests and passions to your course
    Be honest, but don’t include negative information
    Don’t attempt to sound too clever
    Don’t leave it the last minute, prepare ahead of the deadline
    Have friends and family proofread it
    Don’t duplicate material from your CV/resume
  • In terms of presentation, attempt to create five clear paragraphs of text in a clear font such as Arial or Times New Roman, with a maximum size of 12. WRITING PERSONAL STATEMENT FOR UK UNIVERSITY IN 2022

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Setting Research Aims and Objectives in dissertations

Setting research aims and objectives in MBA dissertations

Setting research aims and Objectives in MBA dissertations is important for research perspective. They act as signposts for you as a research student at Masters or Doctoral level and helps to you to tackle your research attempt. Let us take one example, so if you want to know if you are going in the right direction when you walk around a new city or a town, you look at a signpost, or seek landmarks. It’s the same with a research dissertation, a thesis or internship project. Therefore in academics, if you want to know if you are going the right way, first take a good look at research objectives. If you are digressing away from the research which you intended to do then then please stop, and concentrate your thoughts to get back on track. Everyone wants to write the best dissertation in the batch. 

So how do really we set any research objectives for a project or a dissertation ? First of all, we start with the defining the aim of research internship or workbased MBA project, end term MBA thesis, or what it is that it is trying to achieve. This is what you are going to do so set a clear objective beginning with the word ‘to’ and words like ‘find out’, ‘evaluate’, ‘measure’.

For example, you might have chosen to study the link between the evaluate the use of Facebook for B2B connectivity. This is your aim. It begins with the words “To … (do something) “. It is WHAT you are going to do.

For example – To evaluate the Facebook use and its effectiveness in making B2B relationship work. Here Facebook is x, impacting B2B relationship which is Y, creating a condition of z that is effectiveness.

It starts to get interesting at this point in the research as from a bigger goal you need to find out smaller goals which are also linked. You can now convert each of your research objectives into a WHAT, and then create sub–objectives to create new HOWs. You can continue this process indefinitely for the research but limiting is recommended as too many variables (independent and dependent) makes it complex. In fact, it makes sense to do so, because if you spend time doing this WHAT–HOW–WHAT–HOW process, you produce a plan for your project.

You should work hard to make your research objectives SMART which is, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound. To ensure that the objective is SMART, ask the following questions:

The answer to ‘which’ or ‘what kind?’ will tell you whether the objective is sufficiently specific;

Ask ‘by how much?’ or ‘how many?’ or ‘how well?’ to determine whether the objective is sufficiently measurable;

And ‘by when?’ answers the time bound question.

One final point. Setting good research objectives in dissertation is difficult just as how to find a good dissertation topic. It takes time so spend time in the research early phase to make dissertation worthwhile as later stage rectification will make it tougher to amend.

Setting aims and Objectives are important issues in your research. Need help in dissertation, a thesis or internship project? Connect with us for academic writing help. Setting research aims and objectives in MBA dissertations.

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The article HOW TO FIND A GOOD RESEARCH TOPIC: Part II should be enough to clear your doubts about choosing a research topic for thesis and now it is up to you to read through and find gaps to come up with the research topic. has come up with the attributes of a good research topic that can be used as a check list by all university students.

Research capability: The feasibility factor of good research topic to achieve the outcomes of a research


  • ·       Is the research topic for your dissertation fascinates you as a researcher?
  • ·       Do you have the time in hand, learn necessary research skills to go ahead with the grey areas of dissertation topic?
  • ·       Is the research topic and its variables are understandable, and seems fine to frame out research aim, research objectives and research questions?
  • ·       Will the research issue will be hot when you finish your dissertation topic?
  • ·       Is the research topic financially feasible as per the resources that are available to you?
  • ·       Are you able to gain access to the prospective respondent group easily that is outlined in your research topic?

Appropriateness of the research topic:


  • ·       Does the research topic fits the specifications and meet the standards as per the university dissertation handbook guidelines?
  • ·       Is the research issue in the research topic pertinent to able to link theories and models?
  • ·       Is the research aim, objectives and questions are easily and clearly related?
  • ·       Will the research be able to show some fresh directions to a new discovery or test an existing phenomenon in different context?
  • ·       Does the research topic clearly relate to the idea which you initially had in your mind about a phenomenon, issue or any organisation?
  • ·       Do you feel that the outcomes of the findings of the dissertation is likely to be symmetrical?
  • ·       Does the research topic chosen in any way satisfies your area of interest, career in future?
  • HOW TO FIND A GOOD RESEARCH TOPIC: Part II ends here. So ping us, if you need help. 


Whatsapp/Telegram/IMO for researchtopichelp: +91.9830529298


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