
Ten tips for writing research proposal

Ten tips for writing research proposal

Here are the Ten tips for writing research proposal.


1. Follow the instructions!
Read and conform to all instructions found on the council website. Make sure that your proposal fits the criteria of the competition.


2. Break down your proposal into point form before writing your first draft.
Based on the total length of the proposal, decide whether you will have headings/subheadings and what they will be (e.g., Introduction, Background Material, Methodology, and so on).


These headings can be selected based on the advice given in the specific award instructions. For each section, lay out in point form what you will discuss.

3. Know your audience.
Describe your research proposal in non-technical terms. Use clear, plain language and avoid jargon.
Make sure your proposal is free of typographic and grammatical errors.
Remember that, at every level, adjudication committees are multi-disciplinary and will include researchers in fields other than your own.
Therefore, follow the KIS principle – Keep It Simple! Reviewers like it that way.

4. Make an impact in the first few sentences.
Reviewers are very busy people. You must grab their attention and excite them about your project from the very beginning. Make it easy for them to understand (and thus fund) your proposal.

Show how your research is innovative and valuable. Remember, too, to show your enthusiasm for your project—enthusiasm is contagious!

Organize your proposal so that it is tight, well-integrated, and makes a point, focused on a central question (e.g., “I am looking at this to show…”).

Depending on the discipline, a tight proposal is often best achieved by having a clear hypothesis or research objective and by structuring the research proposal in terms of an important problem to be solved or fascinating question to be answered. Make sure to include the ways in which you intend to approach the solution.


5. Have a clear title.
It is important that the title of your project is understandable to the general public, reflects the goal of the study, and attracts interest.


6. Emphasize multidisciplinary aspects of the proposal, if applicable.

7. Show that your research is feasible.
Demonstrate that you are competent to conduct the research and have chosen the best research or scholarly environment in which to achieve your goals.


8. Clearly indicate how your research or scholarship will make a “contribution to knowledge” or address an important question in your field.

9. Get the proposal reviewed and commented on by others.
Get feedback and edit. Then edit some more. And get more feedback. The more diverse opinion and criticism you receive on your proposal the better suited it will be for a multi-disciplinary audience.


10. Remember that nothing is set in stone.
Your research proposal is not a binding document; it is a proposal. It is well understood by all concerned that the research you end up pursuing may be different from that in your proposal.

Instead of treating your proposal as a final, binding document, think of it as a flexible way to plan an exciting (but feasible) project that you would like to pursue.

So above are the Ten tips for writing research proposal. 

How Do You Get Benefit from Research Proposal Help?

A task well begun is half done, which means if you have written part of it with a research topic of your choice, this is okay for the research proposal writing. Choosing an idea for research is not a matter of simple importance. The choice of the research topic needs to be unique, it should offer a solution to a problem or address the research gap identified through literature review study. A research proposal writing help from Dissertationshelp4u will assure you that all these important aspects of research proposal are met in a professional way.

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BSOM077 Research Proposal writing help

BSOM077 Research Proposal writing help


Here is BSOM077 Research Proposal writing help.

1. Introduction (Terms of Reference)

What the research project is to achieve?

• Research Rationale (Statement of Problem),

What is the underlying rationale and aim of your research? What in your experience prompted it? Why are you doing it?

• Objectives (Purpose of Research) What is the study trying to achieve (i.e. is your purpose to explore, describe, understand, explain, predict, change, or something else)?

• Research question (or propositions or hypotheses)

What is your research question(s)? or proposition(s)?

2 Critical Literature Review in BSOM077 Research Proposal

(Indication of the literature that informs your research)

This will be indicative. You will need to identify the key landmark studies in your topic area and will describe how these relate to the issues you

intend to look at in your research. You are not expected to have thoroughly read and absorbed all the books and papers you discuss but you

will obviously need to know what the papers are about. You will need to provide a preliminary, critical evaluation or assessment of why they

are likely to be relevant to your topic.

• Theoretical/conceptual frameworks (Role of theory) in BSOM077 Research Proposal writing help

#UK #Prorposals #research

From the literature identify working concepts/ models and theoretical frameworks that you will use to guide your research – What is the role of

theory in relation to your research? In what ways are you using the theories of others? Are you testing theories or building them?

3. Methodology and methods Outline how you plan to go about doing your research.

• Research Design (description of proposed research – type of study)

Justify the methodological and philosophical approach you intend to employ. What implications does your approach have for your

research design and methods?

• Research Context (e.g. industry sector, organisation)

What is the context of your proposed research?  Key features, characteristics! Why is it a suitable context? Who will be studied? How many? How will they be selected (i.e. sampling)?

• Procedure (i.e. what happened from the participants’ perspective, ethical considerations)

Consider ethics and access to your study sample. Try to anticipate any problem you might have in implementing your method.

• Methods for data collection Describe (and justify) the methods and techniques

you plan to use to collect your data. -What sort of data will you collect?

How will you collect this data? Why is this method suitable for your question?

• Methods for data analysis Describe (and justify) the methods and

techniques you plan to use to analyse collected data. – What type of data analysis will you use

4. Discussion

• Significance of proposed research (Research  Contribution)

• Research limitation Research Proposal #UK #Proposals #research

A necessarily preliminary statement of what you may find or demonstrate by having undertaken the research. Why it will be important and what

the practical or theoretical implications might be.

What are the envisaged limitations to your research?

Provisional work schedule A timetable for completing the research indicating the tasks necessary to complete each segment. Don’t forget to include slippage time. Submission date: To be agreed with your supervisor. Feedback arrangements

Via research methods classes and your dissertation supervisor.

Research proposal-Grade (0%)-formative feedback: The assessment of your research proposal is Formative feedback and there is no grade (the received grade is just for your feedback and will not be calculated for the final grade). Research Project-D1-Grade (100%)-Formative and Summative Feedback: The summative feedback and final grade (100%) will be on the final research project, D1. You should have 6 meetings with your supervisor

References A list of all works cited in your proposal Bibliography This is a list of works not cited in your proposal,

but which will be followed up in the main research.

Presentation Style of Research Proposal  BSOM077 Research Proposal writing help

All research proposals must be presented using the Guidelines as follows:-

Style Guidelines:

Emphasis should be made by printing relevant text in italics and underlining should be avoided in preference to bolding.

First paragraphs (after a heading) should be flush to the margin with subsequent paragraphs first-line indented five spaces.

Dates should be written as: 29 May 2001; a decade may be written as: 1990s;

pairs of dates may be hyphenated as: 1980-1990.

Single quotation marks should be used when quoting an author; double quotation marks should be used in other circumstances.

Text (excluding titles) should be written using12 points font.

References: ORDER NOW BSOM077 Research Proposal writing help 

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